A Joint Effort: Campaigning to Conserve Biodiversity

Throughout the centuries, humans have built communities, societies, and civilizations, enriching their knowledge, traditions, and culture in the process. They did all that hand-in-hand with their environment. However, since learning how to consume and utilize the naturally occurring resources around them for their purposes, humankind has also long been shaping and reshaping existing ecosystems.
Throughout the centuries, humans have built communities, societies, and civilizations, enriching their knowledge, traditions, and culture in the process. They did all that hand-in-hand with their environment. However, since learning how to consume and utilize the naturally occurring resources around them for their purposes, humankind has also long been shaping and reshaping existing ecosystems.
The development of local and international trading systems, as well as the advancement of technologies designed to maximize such systems have led to greater demand, greater consumption, and therefore greater negative impacts on natural ecosystems. While the utilization of these natural resources has allowed certain nations to grow and prosper, damage has been – and continues to be – done. This does not only have environmental implications. In fact, in many cases throughout history, natural resources have become a primary influence behind inequality and exploitation among nations and even communities and groups within the same country.
Fortunately, it may not yet be too late, as a more long-term, environmentally aware, and conscientious global mindset is gradually being communicated, promoted, and adapted for the benefit of ecological diversity. Progress in this regard, however, appears to be slower than it ideally should be, and much more work still needs to be done.
Why We Should Care About Biodiversity Conservation
Representing just a single individual species among thousands more across the entire planet, human beings are simply a part of a larger whole. While we do have the natural ability to learn, adapt, and empathize at a level that is arguably the most advanced among all living things, we are likewise still largely dependent on everything else around us – from the air that we breathe, to the food that we eat and the water that we drink, to the various other raw materials that we furnish into our day-to-day necessities, as well as means for enjoyment, recreation, and even spiritual benefit.
Never mind that it sounds cliche: Taking part in biodiversity conservation really is more about them than it is for us and our generation. (FPE)
It’s important to remember then, that the planet, despite its natural richness, is a finite and limited resource. For this generation – and those yet to come – to continue enjoying such vast ecological treasures at any other point across the globe, an informed awareness and proactive attitude towards biodiversity is ideal and necessary. This is not a call for an outright halt in consumption and utility of natural resources, but instead one for a collective shift in attitude that favors more responsible and more manageable use of renewable resources.
The change will not happen overnight. Nor will it take place through the efforts of a single individual or group. Successful and sustainable biodiversity conservation is a comprehensive, inclusive, and fully participatory goal that requires effort and commitment from across all sectors and levels of stakeholders. Everyone, no matter how little one knows or owns, has a stake in this global objective.
- Galang AP. 2003. Seven Lenses or Environmental Principles as if Adults Mattered. Makati City, Philippines: The Bookmark, Inc.
- Catibog-Sinha CS, Heaney LR. 2006. Philippine Biodiversity: Principles and Practice. Quezon City, Philippines: Haribon Foundation for the Conservation of Natural Resources, Inc.